Computer Science
System design and analysis
What is a system?
- A system is a set of interacting parts that operate together to achieve some objective or purpose.
Three stages of a system
Input -> Process -> Output
- Something feeds into the system (the input).
- The system does something with the input (the process).
- The process gives a result (the output).
Computer Systems
- A system of interconnected computers that share a central storage system and various peripheral devices such as printers, scanners, or routers.
- Each computer connected to the system can operate independently but has the ability to communicate with other external devices and computers.
System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
- A process for planning, creating, testing, and deploying an information system.
- The SDLC concept applies to a range of hardware and software configurations as a system can be composed of hardware only, software only, or a combination of both.
Feasibility Check (TELOS)
Analysis to see if an idea/project is possible and not breaking any rule.
- TELOS acronym checks for failure, not opportunity:
- Technology: Does the required technology exist?
- Economic: Is the price required to pay and maintain the system accessible?
- Legal: Is your operation legal?
- Operational: Is there enough workforce or structure for the system to run?
- Schedule: Is there enough time to create and maintain the system?
- A stakeholder is a person, group, or organization that has an interest or concern in an organization.
- Examples: Creditors, Directors, Clients, Developers, Government, Owners, Suppliers, etc.
- Key stakeholders: Client, Developers, and End-User.
Exam Tip
When identifying stakeholders for a new system, be sure to ask:
- Who will be affected by the new system?
- Who will the new system affect?
- Who will the end-users be?
- What are their needs?
Internal vs External Stakeholders
- Internal: Employees, owners, representatives of a company (e.g. managers).
- External: Suppliers, customers, society, governments, creditors (e.g. loan), and shareholders.
- When designing a new system, we usually try to design it for the greatest good for the greatest number of people; this is called utilitarianism.
Methods of Obtaining Requirements
- Direct observation: Walking around the company and observing how things are done.
- Interviews: Interviewing key people within the system to find out how it works.
- Surveys: Handing out questionnaires for people to fill out (either online or physical).
- Collecting documents: Looking in the documents currently being used in the system to try to find out how the present system works.